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A total new perspective.
Membership Partyrobics®
- You are listed as a Professional Instructor of Partyrobics® on our website to confirm quality of your class and preparations;
- You receive 8 hours of original music hits mixed with high-energy beats yearly;
- You receive 8 full hours of choreography that you can use with the recommended music;
- You have rights to use the Partyrobics®’s logos and visuals;
- You receive fresh promotional materials to post it on social media;
- You have a permanent access to the EDUCATIONAL PLATFORM:
- Partyrobics® Steps Library and Inspirational videos,
- You get tricks and tips about teaching and news about the newest trends from the dance and fitness world;
- You get reminders about the Partyrobics® knowledge and theories;
- You get tips on the entrepreneurship part related to the way you run your classes;
- You get discounts for the conventions, capacity building training and clothes;
- You get a constant support to your career and self-development of the Partyrobics® Master Instructor.
Body Shape
- You are listed as a Professional Instructor of Partyrobics® Body Shape on our website to confirm quality of your class and preparations;
- You receive 4 hours of original Body Shape music hits mixed with high-energy beats yearly;
- You receive 4 full hours of Body Shape choreography that you can use with the recommended music;
- You have rights to use the Partyrobics®’s Body Shape logos and visuals;
- You receive fresh promotional materials to post it on social media;
- You have a permanent access to the EDUCATIONAL PLATFORM:
- Partyrobics® Exercises and Dances Library and Inspirational videos,
- You get tricks and tips about teaching and news about the newest trends from the dance and fitness world;
- You get reminders about the Partyrobics® Body Shape knowledge and theories;
- You get tips on the entrepreneurship part related to the way you run your classes;
- You get discounts for the conventions, capacity building training and clothes;
- You get a constant support to your career and self-development of the Partyrobics® Master Instructor.
Both Concepts
You can enjoy the full benefits of the Partyrobics® Cardio-Dance and the Partyrobics® Body Shape